Land Dispute Resolved: Ukpila Oboru and Ohuhu Owo Communities Reach Historic Agreement


Prof Ojowu

Today, on August 26, 2024, a significant chapter in the longstanding land dispute between Ukpila Oboru and Ohuhu Owo communities came to a close. Ad’Oju Chief Daniel Ulegede, known as Kosoko, presided over a pivotal ruling that outlined several key resolutions:

1. Suspension of Ohuhu Chief Ogburuda: Chief Ogburuda of Ohuhu has been suspended without salary, with the duration of the suspension to be communicated shortly.

2. Role of Prof. Ode Ojowu: Professor Ode Ojowu was identified as a causal factor in the conflict.

3. Boundary Determination: The Ochinga/Ochacha stream is now established as the definitive boundary between the two communities.

4. Resolution of Contradictions: Ukpila’s uprooting of palm trees, conflicting with Igede tradition, will be addressed with a goat provided as appeasement.

5. Ownership of Ochacha Well/Dam: The Ochacha well/dam is confirmed to belong to Ukpila.

6. Crossing Permissions: Any crossing of the river by either community must be consented to by the lending community.

7. **Call for Coexistence**: Both communities are urged to coexist harmoniously, as in times past.

The announcement was made at Ad’Oju’s palace, with attendance from key figures including Okwubi of Uwokwu Chief Okponya, Okwubi of Igede Central La’ Adinu Chief Obande Adoga, traditional council members from both districts, clan presidents, community leaders, and youth representatives.

Representing the Ukpila clan were Chief Ogah Roland Ajigo, Chief Ominyi Ology, Chief Idoko Okede, Chief Obo Ode (represented by Chief Odama), and a host of community leaders and youth activists.

Congratulations to Ukpila Oboru on this landmark resolution, marking a new era of peace and cooperation between these historic communities.

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